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Manage efficiently your Twitter lists

As I mentionned in a previous posts, it is crucial that you create lists to get the best content to share, to connect with more followers, to keep your competitors in check or to know the latest trends.

Here are the basic lists you should create.

1) A list of Industry Influencers. When you follow their tweets, you can engage with them consistently. Retweet their content, mention them and when they ask a question, be the first to respond. It also makes you a valuable resource, so share your list with your followers and recommend they subscribe. How to find influencers ? First, add the one you know. If you are into IT, follow Mashable and TechCrunch for a start. Then go check your competitors lists and add their influencers to yours.

2) A List of your employees. First it's a great way to get your employees to know and interact witch each other. Also, you can retweet their relevant content and they probably will retweet some of yours. Share the list on your bio.

3) A list of people who mentionned you. just for a better custommer relationship. Use a IFTTT recipe to do that, it automatically adds people who tweet your name to a list. Here is how to do this step by step.

4) A list of your most active and valuable followers. Use the app Social rank to find out who they are. Then add them on a specific list. It will make them feel special to you and might even reinforce their loylty and turn them into brand advocates. Also as they are the most active, their content will be very interesting to you and will allow you to check your competitors through their tweets.

5) A list of Bloggers. Bloggers are probably the most informed people on their subject of writing. Being a blogger myself, I know how much time and research it takes to stay updated. So create a list for them, and you will be sure to be aware of the latest trends. If you also engage with them, you might even get them to blog about you. And you really want that.

6) Create a list of competitors. Make it private! Keep them in check and stay on top of their news. See what works or not for them and Use it to improve your own Twitter strategy.

7) Create lists for events. If you plan an event or are an event marketer, create a list for ech event that gathers speakers and attendees. Share the list on Social media.

8) Create an online newspaper on It is an app that allows you to create newspapers based on your twitter lists. If you have a list of social media influencers, you can create a automated newspaper out of it that will post automatically for you daily/weekly or monthly. Find an attractive name for it and go for weekly.

This is a pretty good start. If you want to understand better how to use Twitter to boost your business, read my Guide to Twitter Marketing.

What do you think? Do you use Twitter lists? What types of categories do you have for your Twitter lists? How do you use lists for better engagement? Please share your thoughts and recommendations in the comments below.

Anna B.

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