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A Guide to E-mail Marketing

As marketers, you want to be as effective and efficient as possible, so it’s only fair that you ask yourself, “is email still worth it?"

Well, I think we need to clear up some misconceptions first.

- E-mail marketing does not mean spam. Even though 70% of all emails sent are categorized as spam. And it is true that sadly many marketers still purchase email lists to send emails to people who actually don't want to hear from them.

- E-mail marketing is still in and effective. 1) There are more than 4.3 billion email accounts today – that’s a LOT of people using email. No other marketing channel has been adopted as universally. 2) 95% of online consumers use email, and 91% report that they check their email at least once a day. If people are checking their email every day, it’s probably still a viable marketing channel, right?

3) 77% of consumers prefer email for marketing communications. Take advantage of that by connecting with people where they want to be reached.

4) Email lets you be highly personal. You can create a highly targeted, contextual message that’s unique to each person who receives it.

5) And lastly, we still use email because it has an ROI of 4300%. For every $1 you spend, you get $43 of returns. That’s a pretty sweet deal.

Effective e-mail marketing is all about sending the right email to the right audience at the right time. It is about finding a right combination between content and context. The point of purchase should only be the beginning of your relationship to your customers. You should be using emails to connect, listen to them, advise them, position yourself as a consultant, and delight them.

So, how do you implement a successful e-mail marketing strategy ?

1) Use a good email service provider. Mail Chimp etc... While I'm an advocate of Google and Gmail, I do not believe it to be as efficient for marketing as some dedicated services are.

2) Get people to join your mailing list. I believe that you need to offer them something in return for subscribing to your mailing list. Instead of using a basic pop-up sign-in box, use one that says "Get a free e-book on the fashion trends of 2016". Or if you did not prepare an e-book or anything, at least reformulate your sign-in offer so it shows that you will give them good content: "Get my free weekly news about plus size fashion", "Be inspired with my free weekly outfit ideas for curvy girls". For more on the subject, read my blog post on building your mailing list.

3) Put together a weekly newsletter. Keep it simple, share good but short content. It is not about sharing one of your offers. Once in a while, yes. But focus on sharing super interesting or entertaining content. Something that can change your customer's life, make them laugh, surprise them, or enlighten them about your industry. Prepare a list of good topics, and send your newsletter every week on the same day. A video, a link to an article or a blog post, to an other blog, tips, your latest news, anything really.

4) Choose an email subject line that is smart and will get people to actually open your email. Think of what would make you open that email and not send it directly to the trash. "Latest tips on ...", "Top 3 latest fashion trends..."

5) Link every newsletter to a call-to-action button ! Read my blog post on CTAs.

6) Include your contact information, a sign-up button, and links to your social media profiles.

I think that is already a very good start. Browse around my blog to find more tips on building a good digital marketing strategy.

Anna B.

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