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Fetty Wap ‘s Self titled album hits nb. 1

In the past year, 24 yo Willie Maxwell, the one-eyed rapper from New Jersey Fetty Wap, has had one of the most monumental rises in rap in the past few years!

His debut single “Trap Queen” has become a phenomenal smash hit.

Fetty Wap surpassed already high expectations by making his album the first rap debut to hit number one its first week since ASAP Rocky‘s Long.Live.ASAP.

It pushes Drake and Future’s What A Time To Be Alive out of the first slot!

More than a few conservative rappers have taken upon themselves to opinione that Fetty is really some sort of R’n’B singer who writes songs for a rap audience.

While it is true that his songs contain quite a lot of singing, we definitely call him a real rapper, with a unique style, catchy melodies & beats and a great flow to top it all. It is of course no old school gangsta rap here, but it is a new rap style that follows the path open by Ja Rule, Drake, Young Thug or Future.

Fetty Wap calls his musical style “Trap&B“.

Wap’s strengths are the timelessness and elegance of his melodies and harmonies and the odd, off-kilter slur of his voice.

This is no lyrical rap and doesn’t pretend to be. He is a street rapper, and stick to subjects as money, bitches and laughing at his haters.

Regardless of how the album sells, Fetty Wap has already established that he won’t be vanishing any time soon after providing the world with such monster singles.

And to satisfy your curiosity, Fetty lost his eye as a child. “When I was little, I got into a little accident, and it gave me congenital glaucoma in both of my eyes,” Fetty said. “The doctors saved one, so I was blessed to [still] have my vision.”



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